Fairhope Planning Commission Meeting - May 6, 2024
Battles Trace Phase 8 Receives Final Plat
The Fairhope Planning Commission approved the final plat for Phase 8 of the Battles Trace Subdivision. The 48- lot addition sits on 28.5 acres on the north side of Battles Rd., east and west of Colony Dr. The property is zoned TR (Tourist Resort Dist.)

Phase 8 Battles Trace
Three-Lot Division Approved for Morphy Ave.
The Fairhope Planning Commission approved the preliminary and final plat for Morphy Grove, a 3-lot minor subdivision. The 1.2-acre parcel is located north of Morphy Ave., west of Bishop Rd. There are three single-family homes planned which will face Morphy Ave. The property is zoned R-3.
Orange Beach Planning Commission Meeting - May 13, 2024
Denial Recommendation for 34-Lot Abbey Road PUD
The Orange Beach Planning Commission heard a request from Greg Kennedy, on behalf of Mitchell Lattof, Jr. for the re-zoning of 3.7 acres. The property, which is currently zoned Marine Resort (MR) is seeking a Planned Unit Development (PUD). The property is located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Canal Road and Captain Trent Lane. The proposal sought to construct a single-family residential subdivision with 34 lots which could also be used as vacation rentals. The Planning Commission voted to send a denial recommendation to the City Council. They felt the development was not fitting for the area north of Canal Road, were not pleased with reduced setbacks and desired more green space, sidewalks, and lighting to create a neighborhood. A 100-unit condo could be built with the current zoning classification.
Oak Shores PUD Receives Denial Recommendation
The Orange Beach Planning Commission voted to send a denial recommendation to the City Council for the Oak Shores PUD. The request, on behalf of Daniel Blackburn, sought to re-zone 45 acres from Single-Family Residential (RS-1) to PUD. The property is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Canal Road and Sampson Ave. The plans presented sought to construct a 76-lot single-family subdivision with 64 boat slips which would serve the subdivision owners. Developers agreed to limit rentals to 15 days or more. Homes would be two or three stories on pilings with a 40' maximum height. The gated subdivision would have one entrance on Canal Road. The denial recommendation for the re-zoning request will be forwarded to the City Council for a final vote.

Oak Shores Conceptual Plan
Spanish Fort Planning Commission Meeting - May 14, 2024
Express Oil Change Planned for Spanish Fort
The Spanish Fort Planning Commission approved the site plan for Express Oil Change and Tire Engineers. The auto service station will be located at the corner of Eastern Short Dr. and Eastern Shore Blvd., south of Publix within the Eastern Shore Centre. The 5,677 square foot business will sit on nearly 1 acre in the B-3 zoning district.
Baldwin County Commission Meeting - May 21, 2024
Spanish Cove Re-Zoning Denied
The Baldwin County Commission voted 2-2 on the request to re-zone 22.8 acres located east of County Road 95, west of Ridgewood Dr. The tie vote results in a denial. The site is currently vacant and was included in the 1973 plan for the Spanish Cove subdivision. Developers sought to change the zoning from RA to RSF-4 to develop a future phase of Spanish Cove subdivision which could add 89 new lots. The Property Owners Association of Spanish Cove sent a letter of support for the re-zoning. The Planning Commission voted to send a denial recommendation to the County Commission at their April meeting citing incompatibility with the area and non-conformity with the Future Land Use Map as the basis for denial. Members of the public also complained about the added growth in the area and strained infrastructure. A representative from Mobile Baykeeper appeared at the public hearing and objected to the request citing negative impacts development could have on nearby streams and wetlands.
Daphne Planning Commission Meeting - May 23, 2024
447-Lot Subdivision Planned for Daphne
The Daphne Planning Commission gave a favorable recommendation for a pre-zoning and annexation request by 68 Ventures. The 175-acre property is located southeast of the intersection of Milton Jones Road and Hwy. 181. The property currently has a mixture of zoning including RSF-E, RSF-3, and B-3. Developers are seeking to pre-zone the property as a PUD (Planned Unit Development) and annex into the city limits. Plans include a mixed-use development to be named Iron Gate with 447 lots. Residential lot sizes would be a combination of 52', 76' and 80' wide along with two multi-family complexes. A commercial component along the Hwy. 181 frontage is included, but specific plans have not been shared. Developer have agreed to incorporate mixed-use into the commercial sector and have agreed to an increased connection between the residential and commercial portions of the development. Proposed architectural renderings are below.

Iron Gate
Fairhope City Council Meeting - May 28, 2024
Lot 29 Site Plan at Hilltop Approved
The Fairhope City Council gave final approval to the site plan for Lot 29 of the Hilltop Subdivision. Lot 29 is located at the southeast corner of the development. The 1.1-acre lot is a commercial parcel that will serve the community and foster connections with adjacent neighborhoods. A mixed-use concept with retail/office space, three residential units, and a restaurant are possible uses. The site plan depicts a 5,600 square foot building with a maximum of two stories.
Gulf Shores City Council Meeting - May 28, 2024
Boat Parking Zoning Amendment Approved
A zoning text amendment received final approval from the Gulf Shores City Council. The amendment will allow waterfront boat docking spaces to count toward the city’s parking requirements. This would apply to commercial businesses located on waterfront property. A business would have to maintain a docking area with 10’ spaces per boat with cleats for tying up. No overnight docking would be allowed. One boat docking space would offset one automobile parking space with a cap of 20% of the required automobile parking. The intent of the amendment is to incentivize boat parking and encourage boating as an alternate form of transportation.

Boat Parking Example
Gulf Shores Planning Commission Meeting- May 29, 2024
Site Plan for Crystal Village Approved
The Gulf Shores Planning Commission gave their approval for the site plan and conditional use permit for Crystal Village. The 17-lot cottage subdivision is to be located at 975 W. Beach Blvd. The 1.4-acre property is across from the beach and zoned BT-3. The cottages will be a mixture of 4 bedroom/4 bath and 5 bedroom/5 bath units with a community pool. A 10' deeded beach access for the development was approved along the western boundary of Ocean House 1. The beach access will be 5 feet wide with a four foot decorative meal fence and locking gates with a keypad. The new beach access will take up two existing parking spaces at Ocean House 1 which will necessitate the re-striping of the parking lot for compact car sized spaces. The approval was conditioned upon the construction of a dune walkover.

Crystal Village