Fairhope Planning Commission Meeting – July 6, 2020
New Medical Center Planned for Hwy. 181/104
The Fairhope Planning Commission approved the plat for a 2-lot minor subdivision of a 16.75-acre parcel located at the southeast corner of the intersection of State Hwy. 181 and State Hwy. 104. The un-zoned property is located within Fairhope’s Extra Territorial Jurisdiction. Stated plans for the 8-acre corner parcel include a University of South Alabama surgical medical facility, education facility, and medical office building. The corner parcel has been donated by the Mapp family to University of South Alabama. The east parcel is expected to be developed commercially.

Fiber Optic Cable Coming to Twin Beech Rd.
AT&T received approval from the Fairhope Planning Commission for the installation of approx. 3,729 linear feet of underground fiber optic cable. The new fiber optic cable will run along the north side of Twin Beech Rd. from 8345 Twin Beech Rd. to County Road 13.
Baldwin County Planning Commission Meeting – July 9, 2020
Conditional Use Approved for Hwy. 181 Restaurant Pick-Up Window
The Baldwin County Planning Commission approved a conditional use permit to allow a restaurant with a pick-up window and an existing used car sales business (established in 2016) to continue doing business. The 1.2-acre property is zoned B-3. A restaurant is permitted by right under the B-3 zoning. But, the conditional use approval was needed for the proposed pick up window. The proposed restaurant will be ‘take and go’, with dine in options during lunch only. The property is located on the east side of Hwy. 181, east of Pleasant Rd., in the Daphne area.
Fire Protection Coming to Ono Island
The Baldwin County Planning Commission approved a conditional use permit request to allow a new fire station facility on property zoned for OR (outdoor recreation) on Ono Island. This will allow the development of a fire station with live-in facilities for staff and will enhance the fire protection capabilities on the island. The station will be located north and west of River Rd., and south of Dolphin Dr.
Re-Zoning Sought for Apartment Complex Along Hwy. 181
The Baldwin County Planning Commission heard a re-zoning request from Hathaway Development, LLC to re-zone a 23-acre parcel to HDR (high density residential). The re-zoning is sought to allow for the development of a 270-unit apartment complex. The property is located on the west side of Hwy. 181, outside Daphne. The property is adjacent to an existing multi-family complex known as the Palladian. It was disclosed that the same ownership of the Palladian is seeking this re-zoning. The Baldwin County Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the request to the Baldwin County Commission, which has the final vote on all re-zoning applications.
Re-zoning Sought for Hwy. 90 Property
The Baldwin County Planning Commission heard a re-zoning request from Lambert Ventures, LLC to re-zone 13 acres from RSF-2 to RA. The property is located on the south side of Hwy. 90, west of Bay Branch Estates. The re-zoning is being requested to allow a landscaping business to operate on the property. The Planning Commission recommended approval to the Baldwin County Commission, who will have the final vote on the re-zoning request.
Re-Zoning Sought for Development of Residential Subdivision
A re-zoning request was brought by DCF, LLC for a 38-acre parcel located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Rigsby Rd. and Larry Street Road, north of St. Augustine Subdivision, in the Daphne east area. The current zoning is RA (rural agriculture); the request is RSF-2, single family. The request is made to develop a single-family subdivision similar in lot size to the St. Augustine Subdivision, located to the south. The Baldwin County Planning Commission recommended approval, and the case will now move to the County Commission for a final vote. If approved, the re-zoning would allow for a maximum of 110-lots.
Re-Zoning Sought for Belforest Water Well
The Baldwin County Planning Commission voted to recommend the re-zoning of a .25--acre parcel of Baldwin County Board of Education property from RSF-E to RSF-4. The purpose of the re-zoning request is to allow the Belforest Water System to acquire the small portion of property to construct a new water well on the location and still achieve the square footage and minimum lot width required.
More Commercial Zoning Requested for Hwy. 181/CR 64 Area
The Baldwin County Planning Commission approved a favorable recommendation for a re-zoning request for property located on the north side of County Road 64, just east of Hwy. 181. The property is currently zoned RSF-E. The requested zoning is B-3. The 1-acre property is part of a larger 7.26-acre parcel that has already been commercially zoned. During the public hearing information was disclosed to indicate plans for a four-plex business center development. Possible tenants for the commercial spaces included a coffee shop, wine store, or real estate company. The re-zoning recommendation will go the County Commission for a final determination.
Daphne Planning Commission Meeting – July 23, 2020 (CANCELLED)
Fairhope City Council Meeting – July 27, 2020
Fairhope Sewer Rate Increase Approved
The Fairhope City Council approved a rate increase for sewer services. The results of a review by a consultant firm showed that the sewer department was underfunded by 72%. The increase is being made to bring up the funding level of the department to 100% so that it is self-sufficient, and with an emphasis on maintaining infrastructure. The rate increases will be spread out over a three-year period. This is the first rate increase in eight years.
Gulf Shores Planning Commission Meeting – July 28, 2020
Site Plan Approved for Bayou Sunrise Condos
The Gulf Shores Planning Commission approved a site plan request for a 17-unit condo complex to be located at 840 Gulf Shores Parkway. The 1-acre property is just south of the Little Lagoon wetlands on the site of the former American Legion. The wooden boardwalk and gazebo on the property are expected to stay and be incorporated into the design, which will include 5 separate two-story buildings on pilings, and a common swimming pool.
Gulf Shores Seeks to Limit Multi-Family in General Business Zoning
The Gulf Shores Planning Commission is sending a recommendation to the City Council to amend the zoning ordinance to limit multi-family developments on property zoned General Business (GB). Currently, multi-family developments are allowed by-right in GB zoning. The proposed amendment change would only allow multi-family developments in GB zoning as a conditional use, which would require a conditional use permit approval. The move is being recommended to match the potential future build-out of the zoning with what the infrastructure can handle. The recommendation will move to the City Council for consideration.
Gulf Shores Proposes “Savings Clause” for Non-Conforming Condos
The Gulf Shores Planning Commission voted to recommend an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to add a Savings Clause which would apply to certain non-conforming condominiums in the Beach Area, and would also amend the “Valuation of a Structure” section. A Savings Clause is a provision which allows a non-conforming structure to be rebuilt if destroyed by natural causes. The proposed amendment would add language to allow legal non-conforming condominiums that have been destroyed to be reconstructed with the same number of units, even if current zoning rules would only allow for a smaller number. The clause would put a limit of 5 years to obtain a building permit from the date of destruction. The amendment only applies to density and gross floor area. All other rebuilding must comply with the current zoning ordinances and building codes. A study revealed that there are 29 non-conforming condominium developments in Gulf Shores. The recommendation will move to the City Council for consideration.