Fairhope Planning Commission Meeting – May 3, 2021
162-Unit Townhome Proposal Considered
The Fairhope Planning Commission heard a request for a conditional annexation and zoning for a Planned Unit Development (PUD). The 16.56-acre property is located along the southwest corner of Dyer and Bishop Roads. It is just south of the Auburn Extension property. Currently, the property is un-zoned and outside of the city limits, but within the Fairhope Extra Territorial Jurisdiction. Developers have proposed a 162-unit townhome project to be known as Baytown. The plans were met with much opposition from neighboring residents. The Planning Commission expressed concerns over parking, lack of rear yards for residents, and what they described as a lack of architectural detail in the design. Developers chose to table the request and are expected to make adjustments and re-submit to the Planning Commission at a later meeting.
Fairhope Landing RV Resort Approved on Hwy. 181
The Fairhope Planning Commission approved a request for a 2-lot minor subdivision of property located on the east side of Hwy. 181, ¼ mile south of Hwy. 104. Lot 2 of the division is a 11.16-acre tract that was also the subject of a Multiple Occupancy Permit (MOP) request. The MOP request involves the development of a 76-unit RV resort to be known as Fairhope Landing RV Resort. The property is un-zoned and outside the city limits. A clubhouse and pool will be added as amenities to the project. Upon completion of the Hwy. 181 4-lane expansion the entrance will be a restricted access with right-in and right-out drive.
Commercial Zoning Recommended for Hwy. 181 Property
The Fairhope Planning Commission voted to send a favorable recommendation to the City Council for a re-zoning request to change zoning from RA to B-4. The 2.22-acre property is located on the west side of Hwy. 181, just north of Windmill Road. The L-shaped property fronts on Hwy. 181 with a small amount of frontage on Windmill Road. The property is currently wooded. Professional office space is the intended usage.
Gulf Shores City Council Meeting – May 10, 2021
Phoenix II Condo Tower Approved by City Council
The Gulf Shores City Council gave final approval for a Conditional Use Permit and Site Plan for development of the Phoenix II Condominium. The Conditional Use Permit request was for one additional habitable story over what is allowed. The proposed development is planned for the beachfront in the 500 block of East Beach Blvd. Plans include a 24-story structure with 110 units and a 5-story parking deck. The units would be a combination of 66 3-bedroom units, and 44 2-bedroom units. An indoor/outdoor pool, hot tub, fitness room, and lazy river will be amenities of the development. Under the Incentive Bonus Density Program, the council may grant bonus density and additional height as an incentive to encourage improvements adjacent to the Gulf of Mexico that are accessible and convenient to the public. In this proposal there are plans for a dedicated 24’ public beach access on the side of the property, and a 650 square foot building at the roadside which will be dedicated to the city for public use. The public amenities include a dedicated public beach access, boardwalk, dune walkover, sand rinse station, and pedestrian & bicycle amenities. The property is zoned B-2-4 (High Density Tourist). The Planning Commission voted to send a favorable recommendation to the City Council at their February 2021 meeting.
Gulf Shores Strengthens Tree Protection Ordinance
The Gulf Shores City Council approved amendments to the Tree Ordinance which will enhance protections for heritage trees and protect against clear cutting. The amended ordinance defines heritage tree as a healthy protected tree and its root system with a diameter at breast height equal to or greater than 30”. Heritage trees may only be removed if located within the footprint of a principal building and protection of the tree denies reasonable use of the property. Single family and duplexes are no longer exempt. The changes also clarify standards for permit review and increase fines and penalties for violations.

Orange Beach Planning Commission Meeting – May 10, 2021
Site Plan Approved for Commercial Building
The Orange Beach Planning Commission gave site plan approval for the construction of a two-unit commercial building. The property is located on William Silvers Parkway, south of Andy’s Auto Service and CrossFit Orange Beach. The property is zoned General Business (GB). The 3,000 square foot building will be single-story with stucco siding, metal roof, and a rear enclosed area for storage. The Planning Commission conditioned the approval on the incorporation of gooseneck lighting in support of a coastal architecture look.
Orange Beach City Council Meeting – May 18, 2021
Caribe PUD Modified to Allow Hang 10 Helicopters
The Orange Beach City Council approved a request for a minor modification to the Caribe PUD Master Plan. The modification was made at the request of Hang 10 Helicopters to allow the operation of a helicopter tour business from the current helipad on Caribe East property. The location of the helipad has direct access to Hwy. 182. The plan includes the location of an 8’ x 42’ mobile trailer to house an office, restrooms, and storage. The business plans to operate seasonally, from March 1st – September 30th. Hours of operation will be from 10:00 a.m. to sunset. The business license is conditioned upon a “No Fly Zone” over Ono Island, and property north of Hwy. 182. The business operators plan to only fly over the coastline and beach area.

Foley Planning Commission Meeting – May 19, 2021
More Details Emerge for 235-Unit Re-Zoning Application
The Foley Planning Commission heard a request for re-zoning from Riebling “T” Family Limited. The request is for re-zoning of 59 acres located south of E. Michigan Ave. and west of S. Pecan St. The property is currently zoned R-1D. The proposed zoning is TH-1 (Residential Townhouses). There were more details offered that clarified the request. While asking for a TH-1 zoning, developers are not planning a “townhouse” development in the traditional meaning of the term. A site plan was provided by developers showing the intended plans, which include 235 detached single-family one-story homes. It was explained that under the current zoning, up to 295 single family homes could be built. The re-zoning and site plan proposal would actually decrease the allowable number of units built. The reasoning for the TH-1 request is to enable a clustering design with 45’ lots. The compact design allows for fewer homes, and more area dedicated to amenities and green space. The Planning Commission voted in favor of approval for the re-zoning and site plan.
Gulf Shores City Council Meeting – May 24, 2021
Bon Secour Village Master Plan Changes Approved
The Gulf Shores City Council gave a final approval for changes sought to the underlying zoning to the easternmost 22.65 acres of the Bon Secour Village PUD. The property is located at 350 Waterway West Blvd. The request asked to apply Intracoastal Waterway-North (ICW-N) Zoning, and amend the Bon Secour Village PUD Master Plan Overlay. Plans for the property have been in place in one form or another since roughly 2005. In 2006, a site plan was approved for a 60-slip marina and clubhouse. Changes now approved will increase the number of dry boat storage units. Legendary Marine is proposing to construct 4 storage buildings in a multi-phased project which would house dry boat storage in 75’ tall metal buildings, as well as a restaurant and a mixed-use retail development. There were complaints from the public over the boat storage placement, and unsightly nature of the multi-story metal buildings on the property. Positive aspects of the plan include meeting the high demand for dry boat storage in Gulf Shores while offering a variety of services to the public.

Bon Secour Village Rendering
Gulf Shores Planning Commission Meeting – May 25, 2021
Re-Design of Callaway North Subdivision Plat Approved
The Gulf Shores Planning Commission voted to approve a re-designed preliminary plat for Callaway North Subdivision. Originally the request came before the Planning Commission in March utilizing the City’s Conservation Subdivision Regulations for a 55-lot development. That proposal was met with criticism. The original plan was tabled, and the new design calls for a 37-lot single family subdivision. The property is located west of Emma Lane, along the north side Hwy. 180. The property is heavily wooded and has a large portion of wetlands. The property is being divided into two parcels, with a 37-acre tract containing wetlands being deeded to the City to incorporate into the Bon Secour Wetland Restoration Area.
Dollar General Site Plan Approved
The Gulf Shores Planning Commission approved the site plan for a new Dollar General store to be located at the corner of William St. and Gulf Shores Parkway. The 10,640 square foot store will be located on a 1.22-acre parcel that is dual zoned for BA (Arterial Business) and BG (General Business). Two vehicular access points are planned for Williams St. There will be no vehicular access from Gulf Shores Parkway. The exterior of the business will be a combination of brick veneer base, horizontal ship lap siding, and shake cement siding on the facades. Hurricane shutters will adorn the windows along the street frontages. Proposed rendering below.

Dollar General Renderings
23-Lot Cottage Subdivision Approved
The Gulf Shores Planning Commission approved the site plan for a 23-lot Cottage Subdivision to be known as Lost Dunes Cottages. The 1.58-acre property is located on the corner of W. Beach Blvd, West 10th St., and W. Lagoon Ave. The cottages will have two habitable stories on pilings and offer 4-bedroom floorplans. The property is zoned BT-3. Subdivision amenities will include two swimming pools.
Cottage Subdivision Approved for East Beach Blvd.
The Gulf Shores Planning Commission approved the site plan for an 11-lot Cottage Subdivision to be known as East Eleven Cottages. The 1.01-acre property is currently vacant. The development will be located on the north side of the 500 block of East Beach Blvd. Two vehicular entrances are planned for E. 1st Ave. Amenities include a common pool for the back units, and individual pools for the cottages abutting E. Beach Blvd. The cottages will have two habitable stories on pilings and range from 1,100 – 1,568 square feet with 4 and 5 bedroom floorplans.
Daphne Planning Commission Meeting – May 27, 2021
Zoning Change Recommended in Olde Towne Daphne
The Daphne Planning Commission heard a request to re-zone 1.21 acres located in Olde Towne Daphne, southeast of Van and Main St. The property is currently zoned B-3. The requested zoning change is for B-1(a). Plans for the property include the construction of a two-story building (rendering below). The applicant, which is a local engineering firm, plans to house the 2nd floor for their business, which employs 12-15 employees. The first floor would house retail/office space for lease. The Planning Commission voted to send a favorable recommendation to the City Council for the re-zoning.

Olde Towne Daphne Building Rendering