Baldwin County Planning Commission Meeting – November 5, 2020
Multiple Re-Zoning Requests Heard by County Planning Commission
The following re-zoning requests were heard by the Baldwin County Planning Commission. The Planning Commission makes a recommendation to either approve or deny. The re-zoning request then moves to the Baldwin County Commission for a final determination. The following re-zoning requests are listed below:
The Planning Commission voted to send a favorable recommendation to re-zone 4.87 acres from RMF-6 to RV-1. The purpose is to allow expansion of 33 sites to an existing RV park. The property is located on the east side of CR 99 at the current KOA campground.
The Planning Commission voted to send a denial recommendation to re-zone 1.62 acres from RA to RR. The request was made to allow commercial and residential use of property located at 15082 County Road 93 for a boat and RV cleaning business and short-term storage, while keeping a residence on the same property.
The Planning Commission voted to send a favorable recommendation to re-zone .91 acres located on the west side of Hwy. 59, south of Dawson Rd. The request to change from B-2 to B-3 zoning is to allow an auto dealership and auto repair shop on the property.
The Planning Commission voted to send a favorable recommendation to re-zone 1.62 acres from RA to B-4. The property is located at the southeast corner of County Road 64 and the Baldwin Beach Express. No specific plans for the property were disclosed.
The Planning Commission voted to send a denial recommendation to re-zone 27 acres from RA to RR to allow for the commercial use of the property as a potential restaurant and retail shops. The property is located at the southeast corner of County Road 26 and Magnolia Springs Hwy.
The Planning Commission voted to send a denial recommendation to re-zone property located on the south side of Hwy. 98, near County Rd. 91. The request was to re-zone 39.5 acres from RA to RSF-4 for the development of a residential subdivision.
The Planning Commission voted to send a favorable recommendation to re-zone property from B-2 to HDR for the purpose of developing a 56-unit multi-family apartment complex. The 5.6-acre property is located at the southeast corner of County Road 64 and Pollard Rd., in Daphne. This request was later withdrawn by the applicant before it was heard by the County Commission at the 12-1-20 meeting.
Final Site Plan Approval for 177 Mobile Homes in The Grove Phase II
The Baldwin County Planning Commission approved the final site plan for The Grove Phase II. The 35-acre property is located on the east side of County Road 65, .5 miles south of County Road 12S, in the Foley area. There are 177 mobile homes sites planned for Phase II. The property is un-zoned.
Development Permit Approved for 37 Lots in Lillian Area
The Baldwin County Planning Commission granted development permit approval for Fields Crossing Subdivision. The 15-acre property is located on the south side of Hwy. 98, just east of County Road 91 in the Lillian area. There are 37 lots planned for this residential development. The property is un-zoned.
Final Site Plan Approved for Hookbone RV Park
The Baldwin County Planning Commission approved the Final Site Plan for Hookbone RV. The 4.77-acre property is located on the west side of Hwy. 59, .3 miles south of Vaughn Rd. in the Summerdale area. There are 41 proposed sites along with a pool and amenity building. The property is un-zoned.
Off-Street Parking Zoning Amendment Proposed
The Baldwin County Planning Commission voted to send a favorable recommendation to the County Commission for a zoning text amendment which would change the regulatory language for off-street parking in the TR (Tourist Resort) zoning district. The purpose is to allow off-street parking spaces located on abutting/contiguous parcels to be included in the parking calculation for property zoned TR. The abutting/contiguous parcels must have the same owner as the property requesting use of the parking in the calculations. If an abutting/contiguous property is used in a parking calculation, it could not later be converted to a different use which would reduce the number of parking spaces required for the adjacent parcel.
Fairhope Planning Commission Meeting – November 5, 2020
New Grocery Store and Shopping Center Coming to Fairhope
The Fairhope Planning Commission granted preliminary approval of the Planters Pointe Shopping Center. The 21.24-acre property is located at the northwest corner of Hwy. 181 and 104. The property is un-zoned and in Baldwin County, but still within the Fairhope Planning Jurisdiction. A grocery store will be the main tenant, with 14 other connected commercial spaces.
Fairhope Motorcoach Resort Expanding
The Fairhope Planning Commission approved the expansion of the Fairhope Motorcoach Resort. The approval will add Phase II to the resort, which will include 12 more units and expand the footprint by 3.88 acres. The un-zoned property is located on the north side of Hwy. 104, east of the intersection with Hwy. 181 in the Fairhope area.
The Estates at the Verandas Moving Forward
The Fairhope Planning Commission voted to give plat approval for The Estates at the Verandas. The 49-lot Village Subdivision will encompass 178 acres. The property is located on the south side of Hwy. 104, just west of Lawrence Road. The development will contain estate sized lots with custom built homes.
Re-Zoning Sought for 8-lot Residential Subdivision in Fairhope
The Fairhope Planning Commission voted to send a favorable recommendation to the City Council for a re-zoning and subdivision request for Hermitage Court. The re-zoning request is to change 4.39 acres from R-1 to PUD. The property is located on the west side of Bule Island Ave., just south of Winn Ave. If approved by the City Council, the 8-lot subdivision would contain Truland built homes with a minimum of 2400 square feet, and a two-car garage.
Orange Beach Planning Commission Meeting – November 9, 2020
Site Plan Approved for 13-Story Beachfront Condominium
The Orange Beach Planning Commission granted site plan approval for Atlas Condominium. The property is located at 25610 Perdido Beach Blvd, in the BR-2 (Beach Resort High Density) zoning district. Plans include a 13-story condominium, with 38 units. Units will be a combination of 3,4,5, and 6-bedroom units.
Re-Zoning Sought to Construct Two Large Beach Homes
The Orange Beach Planning Commission recommended approval of a re-zoning request for a 1.39-acre parcel located at 23708 Perdido Beach Blvd. The re-zoning will change the property from RS-1 to PUD to accommodate the removal of the existing single-family house and allow construction of two new single-family houses. Each new house will be three stories, with seven bedrooms. The PUD will also contain a swimming pool and parking. The City Council gave final approval to the request at its 12-1-20 meeting.
Daphne City Council Meeting – November 16, 2020
Pollard Rd. Re-Zoning Request Dies
The Daphne City Council heard a re-zoning request to re-zone a corner property located at the southwest corner of Pollard Rd. and County Rd. 64. The property is zoned R-2 and the request was to re-zone to B-3. The re-zoning request did not receive a favorable recommendation at the August Planning Commission meeting. There was also disapproval voiced from many in the neighboring community. The re-zoning request was heard by the City Council and a motion was made to consider the item, but the motion failed to get a required second. Therefore, the motion failed and died for lack of a second. The failure of the motion will have the same effect as a denial vote, meaning the same re-zoning request cannot come before the council again for 1 year.
Gulf Shores Planning Commission Meeting – November 17, 2020
63-Lot Subdivision Planned for Ft. Morgan Road
The Gulf Shores Planning Commission approved the preliminary plat for Colony Park Estates. The residential subdivision will be located on the north side of Hwy. 180, approximately 3.5 miles west of Hwy. 59. The 27.54-acre property is currently wooded. There are 63 single family residential lots planned. The property is zoned R-1-4. A right turn lane will be installed on Hwy. 180 West going into the subdivision entrance.
Orange Beach City Council Meeting – November 17, 2020
Rental Overflow Parking Lot Approved in Orange Beach
The Orange Beach City Council granted final approval for a site plan request from Dewey Brazelton, to construct a parking area for an overflow parking lot. The property is an undeveloped lot located behind the Dollar General at 25130 Canal Road, in the General Business zoning district. Stated plans include the construction of a 31,100 square foot lot which would be rented for daily or weekly use. The parking would be available to the public, and could be reserved using a smartphone app. The approval is conditioned upon an asphalt lot and the repair and maintenance of the roadway area.
Daphne Planning Commission Meeting – November 19, 2020
Psychic Studio Receives Approval in Daphne
The Daphne Planning Commission approved the request of a psychic services business in the B-2 zoning district located north of the intersection of Shriner Ave. and U.S. Hwy. 98. The Planning commission had granted a one-year temporary approval for a trial period ending 12/31/20. The trial approval was due to there not being a use in the code that fit the business. With the trial period nearing an end, and there being no issues over the last year, the Planning Commission granted a permanent approval.
Orange Beach Planning Commission Special Meeting – November 30, 2020
Public Beachfront Project Planned in Orange Beach
The Orange Beach Planning Commission recommended and City Council has approved a transformational project which will open over 8 acres of prime beachfront property to the public, thanks to a public/private partnership between the city and owners of the Flora-Bama. The partnership would share the purchase price of the property, which is owned by Orange Beach Gulf Front, LLC. The property is located on Perdido Beach Blvd, near the intersection of Hwy. 182 and 161. The property was zoned BR-2 and had been previously approved for development of the Ascention and Grace Condominiums, a 276-unit tower project. Those plans are now scrapped, and the property has been re-zoned to a PUD. Plans for the PUD include a restaurant with a gross floor area of 37,400 square feet, and 5,000 square feet of retail space, in a 3-story building. There are 443 parking spaces planned, with 245 for the restaurant and 198 for the public. In addition to 800 feet of beachfront, other amenities will include public restrooms, a beachfront boardwalk, dune walkover, pedestrian oriented area along Hwy. 182 with 8’ sidewalks, and a civic landmark tower at the intersection of Hwy. 182 & 161. A spring 2022 opening is planned for the restaurant.

Rendering of Future Beachfront Development at Hwy. 182/161